If you love to travel, camp, or explore the outdoors, you need somewhere to store your gear. This universal roof rack by Randy & Travis Machinery is the perfect solution to that challenge. Not only can it carry your luggage, saving room in your car’s boot for other gear, but it can also carry camping and fishing gear, bikes, or even kayaks. Use it to haul timber for your DIY projects, gardening tools, or even spare tyres. It’s perfect for camping or fishing trips—or cross-country road trips. When you head for the beach, stash your beach chairs on the rack and save room in your boot for your cooler.
Fitting easily atop the roof of your car, this beautifully designed roof rack can carry up to 100 kilogrammes of cargo. Its bold, sleek lines echo those of even the most modern car, while its wind deflector keeps your cargo’s wind resistance to a minimum, lowering your fuel costs and keeping your cargo safe. It’s easy to assemble, easy to install, and off-road capable—so you can take it anywhere your vehicle can go. Order yours today!
Features and specifications:
Note: Your vehicle must have roof rails and cross bars installed in order to use this item.
Package Content:
1 x Universal Roof Rack Basket - Car Luggage Carrier Steel Cage Vehicle Cargo
Dust or wipe clean with a cloth dampened with water once a week. Be sure not to leave water spots on the surface. These water spots will dry and could possibly leave permanent marks.
Clean stains/spots using the following steps: Dampen a soft cloth with a mixture of hot water and liquid dishwashing detergent. Wring the cloth as much as possible to remove excess liquid. Rub the surface lightly in a circular motion. Dry the surface immediately with a clean, soft towel.